Post by FrancoisHello,
Does someone knows where I could find the IDL code for fuzzy C-means
clustering algorithm ?
Thank you,
Hi Francois,
This is pretty barebones, but it might help.
Mort Canty
pro FKMs, Xs, K, U, Ms, niter=niter, seed=seed
; takes data Xs (array of column vectors) and number of clusters K as
; input and returns fuzzy membership matrix U and the class centers Ms
; Ref: J. C. Dunn, Journal of Cybernetics, PAM1:32-57, 1973
; M. Canty 2004
n = n_elements(Xs[*,0])
NN = n_elements(Xs[0,*])
if n_elements(niter) eq 0 then niter = 500
; vector distances to cluster centers
Ds = fltarr(n,NN)
; work array
W = fltarr(n,NN)
; initialize normalized fuzzy membership matrix
U = randomu(seed,n,K)
for i=0L,n-1 do begin
a = 1/total(U[i,*])
U[i,*] = U[i,*]*a
; iteration
dU = 1.0 & iter=0L
while ((dU gt 0.001) or (iter lt 20)) and (iter lt niter) do begin
Uold = U
UU = U*U
; update means and distances
Ms = Xs ## transpose(UU)
for j=0,K-1 do begin
for i=0,NN-1 do W[*,i]=replicate(Ms[j,i],n)
Ds = Xs-W
dd = 1/total(Ds*Ds,2)
U[*,j] = dd
; normalize
for j=0,K-1 do U[*,j]=U[*,j]/total(U,2)
dU = max(abs(U-Uold))
Ms = transpose(Ms)