No disrespect intended, but what if we want to make said plot without using Coyote graphics?
Post by David FanningPost by t***@uah.eduWell I have about 20 files and will want to show eastward propagation with time
Ah, so you have more than one file. As Wesley says in the Princess
Bride, "Why didn't you mention the wheelbarrow among our assets the
first time?"
Presumably these files contain data points at different times. Perhaps
you have 20 such times. Now we are getting somewhere!
What you have to do is build up a 2D array by selecting for longitude
and saving the temperatures at those longitudes.
ntimes = 20
; Read the first file, just to see how big array has to be.
... read the data file, extract variables, etc.
lonIndices = where(lons gt -25 and lons lt 40)
; Temperature at longitude and time
data = FltArr(N_Elements(lonIndices), ntimes)
temps = temps[lonIndices]
times = FltArr(ntimes)
; Read the files in a loop and extract info for Hovmoller plot.
for j=0,19 DO BEGIN
... Read file, extract variables, etc.
times = time[0]
data[*,j] = temps[lonIndices]
Now, make your plot...
cgContour, data, times, lons[lonIndices], ... ; Hovmoller plot
David Fanning, Ph.D.
Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Sepore ma de ni thue. ("Perhaps thou speakest truth.")