Generating a grid in the 3D,4D,5D...N space - Advice/Combinatory/Matrices
(too old to reply)
2017-11-13 14:50:11 UTC
Hello everyone,
a = indgen(3,3) & print, a
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

What I am looking for would be to find the clean and proper IDL way to generate the following sets of combinations:


Now, I have found ways to do this for a 2D,3D,4D,5D space with either nested loops (yuck! I know), or with combinations of rebin, reform and transpose.
I've been successfully using those solutions for several weeks, yet I wonder on how to expand this to a general case and in the proper IDL way.

Why and how this is useful to me ?
I am actually trying to evaluate a function with several parameters. Let's call it f(x, p_0, ..., p_n). Given x, I want to evaluate f with multiple sets of parameters.
p = [[0.,1.], [0,100]]
p = transpose(p)
0.0000000 0.0000000
0.11111111 11.111112
0.22222222 22.222223
0.33333334 33.333336
0.44444445 44.444447
0.55555558 55.555557
0.66666669 66.666672
0.77777779 77.777779
0.88888890 88.888893
1.0000000 100.00000

If one wants an irregular grid (with 10 evaluations in the first dimension and 5 in the second one), one can use a nested loop and play with indices.

So, once you have this table, how can one generate the proper sets of combinations of indices ?
Another way to look at it is that you just want to "multiply" or chunk index your table, i.e. to generate the n vector used in the histogram's i-vector example (http://www.idlcoyote.com/tips/histogram_tutorial.html).

I've playing around with nested indgen, looking for a repetitive motive from the 2D to the 5D space when using rebin, reform, transpose to assemble a generic command. But nothing much so far....

Does anybody out there already had a go with such problem before or any advice ?

I thank you all in advance for your replies.
Michael Galloy
2017-11-14 00:04:58 UTC
Post by ***@obspm.fr
Hello everyone,
a = indgen(3,3) & print, a
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
Now, I have found ways to do this for a 2D,3D,4D,5D space with either nested loops (yuck! I know), or with combinations of rebin, reform and transpose.
I've been successfully using those solutions for several weeks, yet I wonder on how to expand this to a general case and in the proper IDL way.
Why and how this is useful to me ?
I am actually trying to evaluate a function with several parameters. Let's call it f(x, p_0, ..., p_n). Given x, I want to evaluate f with multiple sets of parameters.
p = [[0.,1.], [0,100]]
p = transpose(p)
0.0000000 0.0000000
0.11111111 11.111112
0.22222222 22.222223
0.33333334 33.333336
0.44444445 44.444447
0.55555558 55.555557
0.66666669 66.666672
0.77777779 77.777779
0.88888890 88.888893
1.0000000 100.00000
If one wants an irregular grid (with 10 evaluations in the first dimension and 5 in the second one), one can use a nested loop and play with indices.
So, once you have this table, how can one generate the proper sets of combinations of indices ?
Another way to look at it is that you just want to "multiply" or chunk index your table, i.e. to generate the n vector used in the histogram's i-vector example (http://www.idlcoyote.com/tips/histogram_tutorial.html).
I've playing around with nested indgen, looking for a repetitive motive from the 2D to the 5D space when using rebin, reform, transpose to assemble a generic command. But nothing much so far....
Does anybody out there already had a go with such problem before or any advice ?
I thank you all in advance for your replies.
I don't have a good solution. I think the below routine is general, but
slow solution:


Michael Galloy
Modern IDL: A Guide to IDL Programming (http://modernidl.idldev.com)
Markus Schmassmann
2017-11-14 10:38:37 UTC
Post by ***@obspm.fr
a = indgen(3,3) & print, a
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
Now, I have found ways to do this for a 2D,3D,4D,5D space with either nested loops (yuck! I know), or with combinations of rebin, reform and transpose.
I've been successfully using those solutions for several weeks, yet I wonder on how to expand this to a general case and in the proper IDL way.
I've playing around with nested indgen, looking for a repetitive motive from the 2D to the 5D space when using rebin, reform, transpose to assemble a generic command. But nothing much so far....
Does anybody out there already had a go with such problem before or any advice ?
is this what you are looking for ?

for k=0,n-1 do array[k,*]= $
rebin((n*lindgen(n^(k+1))+k) mod (n^2),long(n)^n,/sample)

Markus Schmassmann
2017-11-14 11:29:34 UTC
Post by Markus Schmassmann
I coming back to you for some advice on how to properly generate a
grid in an N-D space. I hope that this expression is the proper one in
english, but in any case, let me illustrate this by the following
a = indgen(3,3) & print, a
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
What I am looking for would be to find the clean and proper IDL way to
Now, I have found ways to do this for a 2D,3D,4D,5D space with either
nested loops (yuck! I know), or with combinations of rebin, reform and
I've been successfully using those solutions for several weeks, yet I
wonder on how to expand this to a general case and in the proper IDL way.
I've playing around with nested indgen, looking for a repetitive
motive from the 2D to the 5D space when using rebin, reform, transpose
to assemble a generic command. But nothing much so far....
Does anybody out there already had a go with such problem before or any advice ?
is this what you are looking for ?
for k=0,n-1 do array[k,*]= $
rebin((n*lindgen(n^(k+1))+k) mod (n^2),long(n)^n,/sample)
sorry, for n>5 you have an overflow, correct is:

for k=0,n-1 do array[k,*]=rebin(byte( $
(n*lindgen(long(n)^(k+1))+k) mod (n^2) ),long(n)^n, /sample )

it's also better on memory, for n=8 the index is only 16MB
2017-11-14 13:16:45 UTC
Hello again,

Thanks both of you for your replies.

@Mike: I had looked into this before (I think Jeremy Bailin has published a code similar to yours called combigen.pro), but I then meet difficulties in selecting part of the generated combinations.

@Markus: I say, your code is sleek and nifty. I like your solution.

In the meantime, I had given this problem some more thoughts and I had come up with another slow ugly one that doesn't work for all cases:

function gen_indices_comb, m, n
;d I/O:
;d m -> long integer corresponds to the number of row in original table
;d n -> long integer corresponds to the number of columns in original table
;d vals -> long array listing the vectors of indices to extract the
;d different possible combinations from the values of the original
;d table
;d NOTES: SLOW CODE, a mitigation of the values of m and n is REQUIRED
;d Cases, where m & n are greater than 9, are not to considered
;d with this code

nmax = m^n

;c Assemble command generating vector of indices
cmd = 'tmp = ['
for ijk=(m-1L),1L,-1L do $
cmd += ' (lmn/n^'+string(ijk,format='(I03)')+') mod n,'
cmd += 'lmn mod n ]'

;c initialiase memory
ini = indgen(m,n)
tmp = lonarr(m)
val = lonarr(m, m^n)

;c execute command for each type of combination
for lmn=0L,(n^m-1L) do begin
void = execute(cmd)
if void ne 1 then message, ' > Error generating indices.'
val[*,ijk] = ini+tmp*m

return, val

Afn I'm considering this post solved, I'll update it with a definitive version of my solution.

Again thanks your replies,
Dick Jackson
2017-11-14 18:13:58 UTC
Hi Clement,

I found a few efficiencies to improve Markus' method a little, and I think I have a working method to allow unequal numbers of rows and columns—it could be improved, but I have to leave this for the moment.

Report from running the tests:

Markus' method
% Time elapsed: 0.15960312 seconds.
n = 7
Memory used (MB): 12.5667

Dick's method 1
% Time elapsed: 0.19358516 seconds.
n = 7
Memory used (MB): 5.49789
Arrays match!

Dick's method 2
% Time elapsed: 0.34163213 seconds.
nc = 7
nr = 7
Memory used (MB): 12.5669
Arrays match!

Here is the code:

PRO MultiDimCombos

; https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.idl-pvwave/FV6s1s19BJc

n = 7

; Markus

startMem = Memory(/CURRENT)

for k=0,n-1 do $
array[k,*]=rebin(byte((n*lindgen(long(n)^(k+1))+k) mod (n^2) ), $
long(n)^n, /sample)

Print, 'Markus'' method'
highMem = Memory(/HIGHWATER)
Print, 'n = '+StrTrim(n, 2)
Print, 'Memory used (MB): ', (highMem-startMem)/1024./1024
arrayM = array

IF n LE 3 THEN Print, array

; Dick 1

startMem = Memory(/CURRENT)

array=bytarr(n,long(n)^n, /NOZERO) ; Changed from bindgen to bytarr(/NOZERO)
for k=0,n-1 do $ ; Removed '*' from destination subscripts
array[k,0]=Reform(rebin(byte((n*lindgen(long(n)^(k+1))+k) mod (n^2) ), $
long(n)^n, /sample), $
[1, long(n)^n], /OVERWRITE)

Print, 'Dick''s method 1'
highMem = Memory(/HIGHWATER)
Print, 'n = '+StrTrim(n, 2)
Print, 'Memory used (MB): ', (highMem-startMem)/1024./1024
arrayD1 = array

IF n LE 3 THEN Print, array

Print, 'Arrays'+([' do not', ''])[Array_Equal(arrayD1, arrayM)]+' match!'

; Dick 2 -- method for unequal numbers of columns and rows

startMem = Memory(/CURRENT)

; To compare with Markus and Dick1:
nc = n
nr = n

; To test unequal nc and nr:
;nc = 4
;nr = 3

a = bindgen(nc, nr) ; bindgen is OK to nr = 8
i = lindgen([1, Long(nr)^nc]) ; indgen is OK to nr = 8
array=bytarr(nc,long(nr)^nc, /NOZERO)
for k=0,nc-1 do $
array[k,0]=a[k,i/(Long(nr)^(nc-1-k)) MOD nr]

Print, 'Dick''s method 2'
highMem = Memory(/HIGHWATER)
Print, 'nc = '+StrTrim(nc, 2)
Print, 'nr = '+StrTrim(nr, 2)
Print, 'Memory used (MB): ', (highMem-startMem)/1024./1024
arrayD2 = array

IF nr * nc LE 12 THEN Print, array

IF nc EQ n and nr EQ n THEN $
Print, 'Arrays'+([' do not', ''])[Array_Equal(arrayD2, arrayM)]+' match!'


Hope this helps!


Dick Jackson Software Consulting Inc.
Victoria, BC, Canada --- http://www.d-jackson.com
Post by ***@obspm.fr
Hello again,
Thanks both of you for your replies.
@Mike: I had looked into this before (I think Jeremy Bailin has published a code similar to yours called combigen.pro), but I then meet difficulties in selecting part of the generated combinations.
@Markus: I say, your code is sleek and nifty. I like your solution.
function gen_indices_comb, m, n
;d m -> long integer corresponds to the number of row in original table
;d n -> long integer corresponds to the number of columns in original table
;d vals -> long array listing the vectors of indices to extract the
;d different possible combinations from the values of the original
;d table
;d NOTES: SLOW CODE, a mitigation of the values of m and n is REQUIRED
;d Cases, where m & n are greater than 9, are not to considered
;d with this code
nmax = m^n
;c Assemble command generating vector of indices
cmd = 'tmp = ['
for ijk=(m-1L),1L,-1L do $
cmd += ' (lmn/n^'+string(ijk,format='(I03)')+') mod n,'
cmd += 'lmn mod n ]'
;c initialiase memory
ini = indgen(m,n)
tmp = lonarr(m)
val = lonarr(m, m^n)
;c execute command for each type of combination
for lmn=0L,(n^m-1L) do begin
void = execute(cmd)
if void ne 1 then message, ' > Error generating indices.'
val[*,ijk] = ini+tmp*m
return, val
Afn I'm considering this post solved, I'll update it with a definitive version of my solution.
Again thanks your replies,
2017-11-24 15:06:23 UTC
Hey Dick,

Thanks for your message, that's indeed a nice improvement on Markus' already sleek code.

I had put this question aside for a few days, and I've come up yesterday evening with what I think is a convenient solution that deals with sets of values of unequal lengths. Here's the script, it is a bit raw solution :/

function compute_combinations, vec, s_v
;d clement <dot> feller <at> obspm <dot> fr
;d PURPOSE: Building all possible combinations given different sets of values.
;d 23-NOV-2017 v1.0 first light
;d I/O:
;d vec -> 1D-array concatenating the differents sets of values.
;d s_v -> 1D-array detailling the number of elements per set.
;d result -> array with all possible combinations given the different sets of
;d values.
;d IDL> u = [1,2,3]
;d IDL> v = [3.5,4.5]
;d IDL> w = [!pi/3., !pi/2, 2*!pi/3, !pi]
;d IDL> vec = [u,v,w] & s_v = [n_elements(u), n_elements(v), n_elements(w)]
;d IDL> print, compute_combinations(vec,s_v)
;d /* first set of combinations */
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 1.04720|
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 1.57080|
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 2.09440|
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 3.14159|
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 1.04720
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 1.57080
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 2.09440
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 3.14159
;d /* second set of combinations */
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 1.04720
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 1.57080
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 2.09440
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 3.14159
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 1.04720
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 1.57080
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 2.09440
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 3.14159
;d /* third and last set of combinations */
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 1.04720
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 1.57080
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 2.09440
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 3.14159
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 1.04720
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 1.57080
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 2.09440
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 3.14159
;d | -> sequence of 4 elements repeated 3*2 times
;d || -> sequence of 2 elements duplicated 4 times and repeated 3 times
;d ||| -> sequence of 3 elements duplicated 2*4 times
;c Sparing a few cycles and allocating memory for result
prd__s = product(s_v)
v_type = size(vec, /type)
n_cols = n_elements(s_v)
result = make_array(n_cols, prd__s, type=v_type)

;c Dealing with the first column
rplct = reform(rebin(indgen(s_v[0]),prd__s), prd__s)
result[0,*] = (vec[0:s_v[0]])[rplct]

;c Dealing with the last column
rplct = reform(rebin(indgen(s_v[-1]), reverse(s_v)), prd__s)
result[-1,*] = (vec[total(s_v[0:-2]):total(s_v[0:*])-1L])[rplct]

;c Dealing with all columns in between
for ijk=(n_cols-2L),1L,-1L do begin
nb1 = product(s_v[ijk+1L:*])*s_v[ijk]
nb2 = product(s_v[0:ijk-1L])
rplct = reform(rebin(reform(rebin(indgen(s_v[ijk]), nb1),nb1), nb1,nb2), nb1*nb2)
result[ijk,*] = (vec[total(s_v[0:ijk-1L]):total(s_v[0:ijk])-1L])[rplct]

return, result

I've tested it multiple times with up to 5 sets of values with different lengths and things seem to work out.
I also tried to see how much memory and time it would require to execute on a simple i5 CPU with 6 sets of indgen(6) and 7 sets of indgen(7) just for fun:

IDL> u = indgen(6) & v = indgen(6) & w = indgen(6) & x = indgen(6) & y = indgen(6) & z = indgen(6)
IDL> vec = [u,v,w,x,y,z] & s_v = [n_elements(u), n_elements(v), n_elements(w), n_elements(x), n_elements(y), n_elements(z)]
IDL> mem = memory(/current) & t=systime(/sec) & mat = compute_combinations(vec,s_v) & print,systime(/sec)-t, 's' & print, (memory(/highwater)-mem)/1024./1024, 'MB'

IDL> u = indgen(7) & v = indgen(7) & w = indgen(7) & x = indgen(7) & y = indgen(7) & z = indgen(7) & a =indgen(7)
IDL> vec = [u,v,w,x,y,z,a] & s_v = [n_elements(u), n_elements(v), n_elements(w), n_elements(x), n_elements(y), n_elements(z), n_elements(a)]
IDL> mem = memory(/current) & t=systime(/sec) & mat = compute_combinations(vec,s_v) & print,systime(/sec)-t, 's' & print, (memory(/highwater)-mem)/1024./1024, 'MB'

I really thank you all guys for your messages, and if you have some more advice or improvement about this script, I'll be glad to read it.

I'll try it some more and I'll put this script on GitHub over the week-end.

Thanks again,
2017-11-24 19:20:55 UTC
Post by ***@obspm.fr
Hey Dick,
Thanks for your message, that's indeed a nice improvement on Markus' already sleek code.
I had put this question aside for a few days, and I've come up yesterday evening with what I think is a convenient solution that deals with sets of values of unequal lengths. Here's the script, it is a bit raw solution :/
function compute_combinations, vec, s_v
;d clement <dot> feller <at> obspm <dot> fr
;d PURPOSE: Building all possible combinations given different sets of values.
;d 23-NOV-2017 v1.0 first light
;d vec -> 1D-array concatenating the differents sets of values.
;d s_v -> 1D-array detailling the number of elements per set.
;d result -> array with all possible combinations given the different sets of
;d values.
;d IDL> u = [1,2,3]
;d IDL> v = [3.5,4.5]
;d IDL> w = [!pi/3., !pi/2, 2*!pi/3, !pi]
;d IDL> vec = [u,v,w] & s_v = [n_elements(u), n_elements(v), n_elements(w)]
;d IDL> print, compute_combinations(vec,s_v)
;d /* first set of combinations */
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 1.04720|
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 1.57080|
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 2.09440|
;d 1.00000||| 3.50000|| 3.14159|
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 1.04720
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 1.57080
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 2.09440
;d 1.00000||| 4.50000|| 3.14159
;d /* second set of combinations */
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 1.04720
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 1.57080
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 2.09440
;d 2.00000||| 3.50000 3.14159
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 1.04720
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 1.57080
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 2.09440
;d 2.00000||| 4.50000 3.14159
;d /* third and last set of combinations */
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 1.04720
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 1.57080
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 2.09440
;d 3.00000||| 3.50000 3.14159
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 1.04720
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 1.57080
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 2.09440
;d 3.00000||| 4.50000 3.14159
;d | -> sequence of 4 elements repeated 3*2 times
;d || -> sequence of 2 elements duplicated 4 times and repeated 3 times
;d ||| -> sequence of 3 elements duplicated 2*4 times
;c Sparing a few cycles and allocating memory for result
prd__s = product(s_v)
v_type = size(vec, /type)
n_cols = n_elements(s_v)
result = make_array(n_cols, prd__s, type=v_type)
;c Dealing with the first column
rplct = reform(rebin(indgen(s_v[0]),prd__s), prd__s)
result[0,*] = (vec[0:s_v[0]])[rplct]
;c Dealing with the last column
rplct = reform(rebin(indgen(s_v[-1]), reverse(s_v)), prd__s)
result[-1,*] = (vec[total(s_v[0:-2]):total(s_v[0:*])-1L])[rplct]
;c Dealing with all columns in between
for ijk=(n_cols-2L),1L,-1L do begin
nb1 = product(s_v[ijk+1L:*])*s_v[ijk]
nb2 = product(s_v[0:ijk-1L])
rplct = reform(rebin(reform(rebin(indgen(s_v[ijk]), nb1),nb1), nb1,nb2), nb1*nb2)
result[ijk,*] = (vec[total(s_v[0:ijk-1L]):total(s_v[0:ijk])-1L])[rplct]
return, result
I've tested it multiple times with up to 5 sets of values with different lengths and things seem to work out.
IDL> u = indgen(6) & v = indgen(6) & w = indgen(6) & x = indgen(6) & y = indgen(6) & z = indgen(6)
IDL> vec = [u,v,w,x,y,z] & s_v = [n_elements(u), n_elements(v), n_elements(w), n_elements(x), n_elements(y), n_elements(z)]
IDL> mem = memory(/current) & t=systime(/sec) & mat = compute_combinations(vec,s_v) & print,systime(/sec)-t, 's' & print, (memory(/highwater)-mem)/1024./1024, 'MB'
IDL> u = indgen(7) & v = indgen(7) & w = indgen(7) & x = indgen(7) & y = indgen(7) & z = indgen(7) & a =indgen(7)
IDL> vec = [u,v,w,x,y,z,a] & s_v = [n_elements(u), n_elements(v), n_elements(w), n_elements(x), n_elements(y), n_elements(z), n_elements(a)]
IDL> mem = memory(/current) & t=systime(/sec) & mat = compute_combinations(vec,s_v) & print,systime(/sec)-t, 's' & print, (memory(/highwater)-mem)/1024./1024, 'MB'
I really thank you all guys for your messages, and if you have some more advice or improvement about this script, I'll be glad to read it.
I'll try it some more and I'll put this script on GitHub over the week-end.
Thanks again,

If I well understood your problem, I find that the result for your particular example can be obtained simply by:

result = reverse([w[lindgen(1,n) mod w.length], v[(lindgen(1,n)/w.length) mod v.length], u[lindgen(1,n)/w.length/v.length]])

(note that "reverse" and "(1,n)" tricks are only used for getting a display similar to yours).

In order to generalize to any number of element sets of any type (but compatible with available memory space !), I would suggest a function as follows:

function compute_combinations, elts
compile_opt IDL2
len = elts.map(lambda(x: x.length)) ;lengths of sublists
n = len.reduce(lambda(x,y: y*x)) ;number of combinations
result = list()
foreach elt,elts,i do result.Add, elt[lindgen(n) mod len[i]]
return, result.ToArray(/PROMOTE) ;assume all elements are numbers

In input, I am using the IDL list: elts = list(u,v,w) (with your example).

Hoping that this can help you.

